Formule de Beauté
Byredo 荒漠孤魂 Mojave Ghost
Byredo 荒漠孤魂 Mojave Ghost
Mojave Ghost is a woody composition inspired by the soulful beauty of the Mojave Desert. In this xeric wilderness, rare are the plants that dare to blossom. With a light and graceful character top notes of musky Ambrette combine with fresh Jamaican Nesberry. Powdery Violet then unfurls to reveal Sandalwood. Finally warm Chantilly Musk rounds out a base of crisp Amber and Cedar wood, leaving the raw spirit of Mojave Ghost to linger on the skin.
Mojave Ghost 是繼Inflorescence之後Ben Gorham推出的又一款贊頌大自然的香水。
Mojave Desert,莫哈韋沙漠是一塊位於美國加利福尼亞東南部的不毛之地,地跨內華達州、亞利桑那州、猶他州3州,因為極端的環境,也被稱為「死亡谷」。
在死亡中,生長著一種幾乎沒有水,不授粉也能生存的花朵,The Ghost Flower,魔鬼花,它代表忍耐力和生命力。